Reiki healing

“Life opens up in so many different ways when your energy has been awakened.”  Panache Desai

My name is Nina, and I am a Reiki Master Practitioner and Chakra Expert. My life’s focus is to practice self-love so that it can help me attain peace, comfort, clarity, passion and vitality in my life.

Reiki is an alternative treatment that operates under the principle that energy flows through all living beings. This energy has the potential to heal the body, mind, and spirit, making it a powerful tool for change. My personal passion and mission is to assist individuals in reducing stress and anxiety, eliminating negative thoughts, and increasing overall energy and happiness through this practice.

What is reiki?


Reiki is a supporting holistic practice to assist in the body’s natural healing processes and develop emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being

It is also said to induce deep relaxation, help people cope with difficulties, relieve emotional stress, and improve overall well-being. When your energy is low, it contributes to sickness and stress. If your energy is high and flowing, you will feel healthier and emotionally grounded.

Reiki will focus on balancing your body’s natural energy and is known to address physical, emotional and spiritual conditions and can be used in conjunction with other medical treatments.

Reiki is based on the idea of opening and balancing the chakras.

Who is Reiki For?

You are currently coping with a difficult situation.

You need relief from emotional stress, tension, or excessive worry.

You are feeling fatigue.

You are having health issues of physical pain.

Want to improve your overall well being.

Distance or in-person Reiki treatments

In this treatment session, receive a full-body energy cleansing along with and insightful, intuitive guidance. Schedule a Complimentary Discovery Call with me to see how Reiki can help you on your healing journey.

More Details

How Distance (Absentee) Reiki Works:

Reiki, as a spiritually guided universal life force energy, by nature, is not limited to the same time and space limitations we perceive. Reiki is pure healing energy and can be directed to wherever you are.

There are several things you can do to maximize the effectiveness of Distance Reiki Healing by:

Creating sacred space: Use candles, lights, music, incense, etc: whatever helps you get in the right state of mind.

Get in a meditative mindset: Using your breath to keep you in the now. If your mind starts to wander, take note of what comes up for you then let it go- focus back on your breath to keep you present.

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